Category: Blog

OHSPRA ‘Style’ Spring Conference Recap

Last week I attended my first Ohio School Public Relations Association’s spring conference. Although I wasn’t quick enough to get a hotel (rookie mistake) and had to drive (shoutout for only being one hour from Columbus) I had a great time networking with other school PR Pros…all in our School PR Era (the theme for […]

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Schools: Don’t post your life on rented space

Nearly every communicator in the country will tell you that you need a social media presence. While they’re technically not wrong, throwing a barrage of social media posts at your audience is not the answer.  A wise digital media strategist once spoke to a college class of mine and left us with some words I haven’t forgotten. “Don’t post […]

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From Resume Builder to Something Bigger: Reflecting on Two Years

I think I’ve told it enough that we all know about my first meeting on the campaign trail. Since then, I had gone from “Youth Campaign Coordinator” with my good buddy Chase Fleece, to Media Coordinator, to Transition Committee Vice-Chair. Around 2:15 on Monday, I dropped that last title. I jokingly say that I’ve returned […]

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It’s for Them

It was a crappy and snowy January day. Still energized by the rollercoaster-election of President Trump,  my partner in politics Chase W. Fleece and I had an invitation from this guy named Jon Cross. Dressed in our black suits and ties, we saddled up my old S10 and pointed it toward Mount Victory.  We didn’t really know […]

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