There is absolutely nothing like small-town life. Small-town life at Christmas time is truly one-of-a-kind.
Hardin County Courthouse
Some call it gorgeous. I call it one of the most remarkable sights you’ll see. Dan Robinson reports in the Kenton Times that John Jester Times thate display. The current display (which was updated to LED lights a few years ago) consists of over 8,000 lights. The courthouse maintenance staff begins work on the display in October.
Kenton Historic Courthouse District Storefronts
Business owners around the district work hard each year to show off their Christmas spirit. The crew at the Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance, as well as the Kenton Historic Courthouse District, work hard to show off Window Wonderland.
What was most striking…
Was what I found that was closed. McDonald’s is known to have at least a drive-through window open. Even when the store was being remodeled, customers were served. Tonight? Employees are with their families, enjoying the Christmas season.

Walmart, a store that is seemingly never closed, was dark and locked up at 8:00 this evening when I popped in. The most grounding moment of all was when I whipped out my camera, zoomed in, and saw a Kenton Police cruiser sitting in the parking lot.

So, my friends and readers, Merry Christmas from me to you. My Christmas wish? Be thankful. Thankful for a small town to celebrate the holiday in, and to call home. Thankful for friends and family to spend it with. Thankful for our service men and women, law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical professionals, and everyone hard at work so we can enjoy our holiday season.